Human Capital

Automotive Human Capital is the value delivered by employees of all organizations through deployment of skills, knowledge and expertise. Industry and education invest in lifelong human development to secure the combined quality and quantity we need to solve global challenges within the mobility industry.

Human Capital interests

Well-trained professionals are needed to conceive, create and maintain technological solutions. Technological changes are increasing, while the shortage of (technical) talent is becoming more extensive and acute. This human capital plays an essential role in addressing the major societal challenges ahead. This capital, together with technological innovations, is the key to social and technological transitions.

Together we create the future of mobility | Fontys | HAN
Together we create the future of mobility | Fontys | HAN

ACE Mobility's Role

ACE Mobility participates in four National Growth Fund proposals. The educational innovation activities, as the leader of the Automotive Learning Community, and the cooperation with HAN and Fontys are foundations for a good embedding of our spearheads in national policy.

Developments in the Netherlands

Economically, the Netherlands is among the global leaders. To remain at that top, we must make a permanent effort and react alertly to what is happening in our environment. A well-educated workforce is one of the most important pillars for this. At the national level, policies have therefore been developed by the top sectors to ensure that the Netherlands' workforce continues to develop.

Together we create the future of mobility | Fontys | HAN
Together we create the future of mobility | Fontys | HAN

National Growth Fund

The National Growth Fund (NGF) invests in large-scale projects that ensure long-term sustainable economic growth and contribute to necessary transitions in various social and economic domains. One of the critical success factors is the availability of sufficient qualified personnel. The human capital approach will weigh heavily in the assessment of proposals by the State. A good and thorough approach is therefore essential for a successful application. ACE Mobility is involved in several applications for the Human Capital component.

SLIM cooperation

A SLIM partnership has been written with a number of the TALCOM partners, specifically focusing on the further development of modules and the challenge-based learning community portal from TALCOM. With the further development of the Automotive Learning Community, an impulse is given to structural learning and development in a community (ecosystem) of SMEs in the Automotive industry, which also includes knowledge institutions in this sector.

Together we create the future of mobility | Fontys | HAN
Together we create the future of mobility | Fontys | HAN


In the TALCOM project, automotive companies, organizations and various educational institutions worked together to create a learning environment and culture where employers in the automotive industry and MBO, HBO and WO colleges work together intensively and learn from each other.