
Read here all the stories and articles of students and companies.

Together we create the future of mobility | Fontys | HAN

Interview Nova Vissers

Nova Vissers is 26 years old and is a student at the automotive course at the University of Applied Sciences Fontys in Eindhoven. She always aspired to do an internship at EDAG, but because she fell behind on her study, her dream never came true. After about two years, she was able to resume her study and via ACE she was finally able to secure a position at EDAG.


Read the full story here

Interview Malouke Reiniers

Malouke Reiniers works as a recruitment and HR specialist at ACE's Partner Inalfa Roof Systems. In the interview, Malouke talks about how the pandemic has changed the way they work within Inalfa Roof Systems. In addition, she shares her experiences with ACE as a partner.


Read the full story here
Together we create the future of mobility | Fontys | HAN
Together we create the future of mobility | Fontys | HAN

RTL-Z broadcast

On Saturday, September 5, 2020 at 17:00, ACE was featured in the program How it's done by RTL-Z. Kees Slingerland, managing director of ACE explains how ACE contributes to the Dutch automotive industry. The broadcast is Dutch spoken.




To the broadcast