Pleased with award of NGF application Charging Energy Hubs

Dutch government officials announced on Friday, June 30th, that the consortium led by Heliox seeking funding for the project ‘Charging Energy Hubs' has been approved for a grant by the National Growth Fund. In a display of unified innovation, Heliox, an industry leading fast charging solutions provider, has joined forces with 29 companies and knowledge institutions to develop the ‘Charging Energy Hubs’ project, an initiative aiming to accelerate the electrification of the logistics sector through collaboration, research and innovation. The consortium includes key players such as Shell, Prodrive, DAF, DAMEN, Scholt Energy, Firan, ElaadNL, Dynniq Energy, and TNO. ACE Mobility is involved through HAN and Fontys who are also participating in the project. ACE Mobility will focus primarily on Human Capital agenda implementation.

With zero-emission zones set to transform urban logistics by 2025, the demand for electric transport is expected to exponentially increase. However, the challenge lies in the limited capacity of the electrical grid to accommodate the increasing demand for high-powered charging infrastructure. To address this challenge, the project envisions an efficient use of smart energy systems to maximize grid efficiency through smart energy solutions.

These decentralized energy systems act as a vital link between electricity consumers and suppliers. By seamlessly integrating charging infrastructure, renewable and other energy sources, energy storage, and local consumers, these charging energy hubs allow flexibility during peak demand or grid balancing issues. This solution alleviates grid congestion while ensuring a solid business case for charging infrastructure investments.

The Netherlands eMobility sector currently stands at the forefront of Europe with strong export potential and a surge in job creation. To maintain this leadership in a rapidly expanding industry and achieve climate ambitions, it is crucial to promote new partnerships that foster electric mobility, construct cutting edge charging infrastructure, and drive innovations in energy optimization systems.