Launch of unique collaboration: Charging Energy Hubs

Working together on local and smart energy systems for zero-emission logistics

With climate targets and the advent of more zero-emission zones, it becomes increasingly urgent for the logistics sector to switch to electric vehicles. This leads to an increasing load on our electricity grid. To better match the increasing demand for powerful charging infrastructure and the supply of electricity, 27 companies and knowledge institutes are now going to work together on Charging Energy Hubs.

Charging Energy Hubs are local, smart energy systems that allow more efficient and flexible use of the electricity grid. Those Hubs are the connecting factor between electricity customers and suppliers. This is where electric mobility and charging infrastructure come together and we use open standards and direct current networks 

Three use-case locations
Over the next four years, knowledge and practical experience will be gained with these Charging Energy Hubs at three (public-private) use-case locations. The project will investigate how technological innovations and already existing processes and systems such as renewable energy sources, battery storage, and charging stations can be cleverly linked together. For example, one can store generated energy from solar installations on industrial roofs in an energy storage system and only use it during peak demand or grid balancing problems. This system prevents grid congestion while providing a solid business case for investments in E-trucks and charging infrastructure. Depending on the experiences with the three use-case locations, the Charging Energy Hubs will be further rolled out (inter)nationally and scaled up.

Unique collaboration
On Thursday, April 18th, the kick-off of these Charging Energy Hubs took place: a unique collaboration between 27 companies and knowledge institutions from across the value chain and the energy and automotive sectors. The aim is accelerating the electrification of the logistics sector through cooperation, research, innovation, and contribute to a more sustainable future for the Netherlands. Heliox, a leading supplier of fast charging solutions, takes the lead in this collaboration.

Michael Colijn (CEO, Heliox): The Netherlands is a major international player in the logistics and eMobility sector. Cooperation between all relevant players in the value chain is crucial, and as Heliox, we are happy to take the lead in this pioneering project.”

Brainport Eindhoven and RAI Automotive Industry NL have a coordinating role. Anna Paar (Project Leader Brainport Development): “We are proud that, together with our partner RAI Automotive Industry NL, we have been able to bring together the right players in the value chain in this project. By testing with Charging Energy Hubs, we are rapidly building knowledge and practical experience and working together to steadily accelerate the energy transition.”

Role of ACE Mobility

ACE Mobility is the work package leader of work package 10, which deals with Human Capital. Within the project, collaboration with the HCA charging infrastructure is secured with the participation of People Making the Transition (MMT). This program focuses on the HCA challenge for the entire energy transition, and is the penciler of the HCA charging infrastructure covenant. Many initiatives are being undertaken within these programs to train sufficient qualified personnel. The Human Capital activities within the Charging Energy hubs can strengthen the current programs by looking in more detail specifically at HCA aspects around an innovation like Energy Hubs, which require specific skills, abilities and training. Carl de Ruiter of ACE Mobility is the contact person for this work package. 


Want to know more?

The Charging Energy Hubs project is a collaboration between 27 companies and knowledge institutions from across the value chain and has been made possible by funding from the National Growth Fund. The project consists of three use-case sites and ten work packages. The participating parties are ACE Mobility, AME, DAF, DAMEN, DC Systems, DENS, Dynniq, FIER, Fontys, HAN, Heliox, Fluidwell, KEMA, Maxem, NKL, Recoy, Renewable Energy Factory (REF), Rocsys, Scholt Energy, Shell, Stichting ElaadNL, Sycada, TNO, TSN Groen, Technical University Eindhoven, Van Berkel Logistics, Van Kessel and Zero Emissions Services (ZES). Project coordination is fulfilled by Brainport Development and RAI Automotive Industry NL.