Quick response energy storage for electric forklift trucks and container handlers.

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Type vacancy
Graduation assignment
Education field
Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics
Electrification, Mobility, Powertrain

Let op: in overeenstemming met Hyster-Yale kan deze opdracht gekoppeld worden aan het ACE Mobility Professional Program. ACE Mobility is een samenwerkingsverband tussen twee Automotive hbo opleidingen (HAN en Fontys) en het automotive bedrijfsleven. Partnerbedrijven van ACE zijn geselecteerde bedrijven die een nauwe band hebben met het onderwijs. Deze ACE Partners zijn voorkeursbedrijven en staan ​​bekend om hun hoogwaardige opdrachten, uitstekende begeleiding/ coaching en innovatieve onderwerpen. Jouw keuze voor dit bedrijf als stage- of afstudeerbedrijf is zeker een goede keuze! Afstuderen bij zo'n bedrijf brengt deelname aan het Professional Program met zich mee, waarbij je extra trainingen volgt t.b.v. professionalisering en verbetering van de kwaliteit van je onderzoek. Bij het aanmelden voor deze opdracht committeer je je aan dit programma. Voor meer informatie: https://www.acemobility.nl/automotive-talent/professional-program

Description company:

Hyster-Yale Group designs, manufactures and sells Materials Handling products, (fork) lift trucks in a full range product line. In Nijmegen the company engineers and manufactures Big Trucks and Container Handlers. The EMEA Aftermarket and Spare Parts Depot organizations are also located at the Nijmegen site.  Hyster-Yale Group is a worldwide organization with sales offices, production plants and development centers all over the globe.

Description department:

Hyster Yale – Big Truck development center

What are you going to do:

    • Over the past several years, electric forklift trucks and container handlers have been designed by Hyster-Yale. These trucks require high voltage systems to allow for the necessary powers demanded by the application of the trucks.
    • For the current generation of trucks, the only available storage fo electrical energy is the use of Li-Ion batteries. However, during typical application, situations occur where the total amount of energy to be stored back into the energy storage system, is greater than the amount of energy that the battery of the truck can accept.
    • Within this assignment, a system design shall be made that allows for the energy flows seen in, and simulated for, container handler trucks. This can be in the form of tiered energy storage, so a small buffer capable of catching the energy excesses, or an energy storage system capable of taking up all the energy.
    • HV system
  • Aantal uren per week / Hours per week
    • 40hours/week

What do you bring:

Knowledge of electrical high voltage systems

(optinally, experience with simulating or interpreting duty cycle data)

We are looking for a final thesis / master thesis student who can work independently or with minimum remote guidance on the assignment.

What do we offer:

    • Support and mentorship are provided as well as opportunities for job positions after this. Participation in project teams, customer visits and learning on the job are encouraged.
    • Internship allowance: € 350,= euro gross/month


For technical questions: Neha Roy (neha.roy@hyster-yale.com)

If you want to apply, please click on the button down below.

Apply now with ACE

Please mention 'ACE internship / graduation 2023' when applying for a project! The Automotive Center of Expertise is a partnership between the Universities of Applied Sciences Automotive (HAN, Fontys) and the automotive industry. Partner companies of ACE are selected companies that have a close bond with education. These ACE Partners are preferred companies and are known for high-level assignments, excellent guidance/coaching and innovative topics.

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Why with ACE

  • Network with other ACE interns / graduates and join our automotive network.
  • Gain acces to knowledge at other automotive companies and graduates trough the ACE network.
  • Eligible for the ACE student award with your graduation assignment.