ACE Partners

Automotive Center of Expertise is proud of its partners. Together they form a good representation of the Dutch automotive industry. Together with three Universities of Applied Sciences, they form a powerful network that keeps the industry strong, agile and future-proof. Being a partner of ACE offers companies and organisations the following benefits:

• You will be given the opportunity to get into contact with young talent during the training (prerecruitment)
• You support your employers branding. Both in print as on our website, your company is referred to as being a preferred partner of ACE
• You contribute to a social goal, namely: sharing knowledge and raising the level of higher professional education
•  You increase your brand awareness among students (year 1: career day, year 2: workshops, year 3 and 4: internship / graduation, guest lessons / master classes
• When you spread your internships and / or graduation assignments via ACE, all automotive higher professional education students are reached.
• Your company is also promoted by internship and graduation coordinators in higher professional education as a preferred company for internship and graduation
• ACE fulfills a guiding / information function towards Universities of Applied Sciences and other partner companies
• You can perform practice-oriented research (or let others perform it) by the 3 lectureships of the Universities of Applied Sciences (including Professional Monitoring, Advanced Lightweight and Mobility as a Service).
Automotive Career Day: guaranteed participation and additional profiling possibilities such as speed dating  
• By (optional) participation in the program board you have influence on the automotive curricula so that the desired knowledge is taken into account
• By means of guest lessons, hybrid lecturers and teacher internships, the knowledge of your company reaches students and teachers
• By participating in Expert Sessions / Special Interest Groups (SIGs) you will exchange and share knowledge with lecturers / students / industry
