AI and Ethics

Theme session Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Ethics 

We would like to invite you to the online theme session Artificial Intelligence (KI) and Ethics on 

Location: Automotive Campus in Helmond. 
All presentations can also be attended online via Teams.

In this Englisch session the speakers will talk about the theme “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Ethics”, The talks will be related to the automotive domain in which more and more systems are included that use AI. TNO will present their knowledge and experience related to the challenges in the automotive domain. The presentations will be in English but questions can also be asked in Dutch.



12:45    Welcome

              Frank Benders

13:00    AI in connection to Cooperative, Connected 

              and Automated Mobility

              Emilia Silvas

13:30    Towards safe and ethical decision making of 

             automated shuttles with situation awareness for AI

              Jan-Pieter Paardekooper

14:00    Scalable and generic AI-based decision making 

              for autonomous driving

              Irene Cara

14:30    Break

15:00    Object Detection Meets Knowledge Graphs

              Hala Elrofai

15:30    Anomaly Detection, Isolation and Mitigation 

             towards Safe Automated Driving

              Chris van der Ploeg

16:00    Verification and Validation of AI systems

              Frank Benders

16:30    Closing

              Emilia Silvas

16:45    Short guided tour at TNO in small groups 

              when possible with the COVID-19 restrictions

Application: If you want to attend this meeting, please send an email to: Please indicate whether you are attending the physical session or attending via Teams. 

This is a theme session of TALCOM

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