Spin-off TALCOM Workshop: AV Safety Architectures
Gekoppeld aan de kick-off van het project SafeCLAI - een spin-off project van de Talcom werkgroep Autonoom Rijden - organiseren we op donderdag 3 februari een Talcom workshop: Autonomous Vehicle Safety Architectures
13:00 Welcome and Introduction (Jan Benders, HAN)
13:05 Hardware Structure according to ISO26262 (Ronald van Kempen/Jaco Verhage, IFM)
Description: Hardware Structure for autonomous driving as derived from NEN-EN-ISO 26262. Which possibilities are applicable and executable? We lead the attendants through possibilities for vehicles and machines (NEN-EN-ISO 3691-4) and discuss the differences.
13:35 Safety sensors vs industrial sensors. What’s the difference? (Maarten Braadbaart, SICK)
SICK offers a wide product portfolio to cover all industrial sensor related solutions for mobile platforms, including load handling, identification, navigation, positioning, environmental perception and safety.
Especially on AGV’s (Automated Guided Vehicles) one of the most seen sensors (due to its position on the front of the AGV) is the safety scanner. Why are these safety scanners used and maybe more important…What’s the difference between a Safety Scanner and a ‘normal’ industrial LIDAR?
14:05: Short break
14:10 Deriving requirements for a generic Safety Architecture for automated/autonomous vehicles (Frank Benders, TNO)
In the presentation high level requirements will be discussed about an example generic safety architecture for automated/autonomous vehicle. Furthermore, it will be explained how these requirements can be detailed depending on the application domain of the vehicles.
14:40 SafeCLAI: towards a re-usable safety concept for low-speed AVs (Jan Benders, HAN)
The SafeCLAI project aims for definition and (partial) demonstration of a re-usable safety layer framework for the control of low-speed autonomous vehicles. SafeCLAI leverages cross-sectoral knowledge and experience in the framework development. The resulting safety-layer framework should help AV manufacturers to more quickly develop and homologate their autonomous vehicle solutions.
15:00 End
Meer informatie over deze workshop? Neem dan contact op met: talcom@acemobility.nl