Elektrische voertuigen voor afvalinzameling
Internship/graduation assignment
VDL Translift BV
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Description company:
Ebusco is dedicated to the development, production, and bringing to market of fully electric city and regional buses and the associated ecosystem. Our goal is to contribute to a better and healthier living environment by making sustainable, emission-free transport of people the standard. Ebusco is originally a Dutch company, with its head office in Deurne. At the moment more than 350 Ebusco buses are operating in seven countries across Europe, including major cities such as Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Munich.
What are you going to do:
We provide opportunities for interns and graduates throughout the year in the field of:
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Application Software Engineering
- Customization Engineering
- Research and Development
- Testing, Validation and Homologation
and various other departments.
We offer space to think about a project that fits your desired career path. During this process you will be coached according to your technical and personal goals by one of our professionals.
Start, duration and hours per week are open to discuss.
What do you bring:
What do we offer:
Contactinformatie / Contactinformation:
Vermeld bij je sollicitatie voor stage of afstuderen altijd: 'ACE Mobility stage/afstuderen 2023'! Het Automotive Center of Expertise is een samenwerkingsverband tussen de automotive opleidingen (HAN en Fontys) en de automotive industrie. Partnerbedrijven van ACE Mobility zijn geselecteerde bedrijven die een nauwe band hebben met het onderwijs. Deze ACE Partners staan bekend om hun hoogwaardige stage- en/of afstudeeropdrachten, uitstekende begeleiding/coaching en innovatieve onderwerpen.