Second life for EV batteries

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Type vacature
Graduation assignment
Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial engineering and management, Mechatronics
Design, Electrification, Mobility

The company:
EDAG Netherlands B.V. is the established name for both big and small projects as technical partner of the most renowned OEM’s. With our competences project management, mechanical design, styling and surfacing, electrics/electronics, simulation, prototyping, and sustainability, we are dedicated to support all OEM’s engineering activities to the fullest.

Assignment/ work/ activities:
Given the rate of adoption of electric vehicles, there will be an upsurge in the number of waste batteries in the coming years. Since the battery packs can no longer perform optimally in an EV and actually reach the end of their life, they can retain approx. 70-80% of their initial capacity and can be redesigned, re-purposed and optimized for a second life
The Goal of this study is:
■ to define methods for collecting & classifying of used EV batteries
■ to investigate the areas and applications for second life usage
■ to create a model for second life usage of the batteries of selected OEM

We offer:
As the leading technical development partner of the global automotive industry, we offer you the technical challenges of the future. Moreover, we offer you the opportunity to develop your full potential with the necessary tools and flexible working methods. Above all, we offer a culture of family, appreciation, respect and recognition in a safe and reliable working environment.

You have/ competences/ skills:
We are looking for enthusiastic and responsible students that are familiar with the electric vehicles & energy storage systems and who are willing to take their creative ideas to the next level. By creating concepts, analyse them and having discussions with experienced engineers and using their feedback in to not only improve your design, but to ultimately improve yourself!

Click on the button below to apply. Be sure to mention what you want to do and achieve during your assignment. We want to set up an assignment that fits with both your and our goals! For more information, go to our website or call our HR: +31 (0)492 59 40 49 or +31 (0) 6 14 31 36 58.

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