Interview met Joshua Bruhn

Joshua Bruhn heeft Automotive Engineering gestudeerd aan de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen. Zijn afstudeerstage heeft Joshua met succes afgerond. In onderstaand interview hebben wij Joshua gevraagd naar zijn ervaring met het afstuderen bij ACE.

Kun je iets over jezelf vertellen?
Hi my name is Joshua. I come from a family, consumed by wanderlust. Since I was a young boy my parents moved from one place to the next, an international mind setting is the obvious consequence of this upcoming. During my study choice I wanted something that could facilitate travels, a study that was not limited by borders. Therefore, I choose Automotive Engineering at the university of applied science of Nijmegen and Arnhem. During my first year I got intrigued by Lean engineering. Throughout my studies I further developed this interest, an enhanced my understanding of process improvement with international work experience.

Kun je ons meer vertellen over je afstudeeropdracht?
A major part of process improvement is not only to be the linking pin between management and production, but also to eliminate the eight wastes identified in the lean methodology.
I am devoted to data and deeds. However, I learned that the (production) companies I worked for often missed tools to collect data. I wanted to develop a tool that would allow companies to make objective statements about motion, transport, excess inventory, and overproduction at real-time (i.e. a real-time location system).

Hoe heb je het afstuderen ervaren?
At first, I had the ambition to have a fully commercial product for my company that would combine the machine status, forklift & operator location, and production counter in one user interface. But I realized that there is a difference between a successful graduation project and a successful company. Where the one is identified by profit, the other is associated with various research methods and proper documentation. Therefore, I changed my scope during the start-up phase of the project to the transition from Industry 2.0 to 4.0: in a South African context.

Hoe heb je de samenwerking met de ACE Partners ervaren?
During my project I wanted to re-assure the relevance in a Dutch context. ACE was the perfect steppingstone for this objective. They introduced me to several partners where I was able to altercate the requirements of the interface and obtain input for the design phase.

Hoe heb je de afstudeerperiode bij ACE ervaren?
ACE opened a lot of doors for me. Upholding my value and keeping my interest and development in mind. During my project I was mainly involved with Kees. I experienced the mentorship under his wing as pleasant and mind opening. Kees was able to swiftly pick up the project and connect me with relevant stakeholders. His broad experience in start-ups and executive function was notable and proved very beneficial during the project.

Wat zijn je toekomstplannen?
My goal is to start a company in South Africa, with an operational focus on supply and consultancy for Gemba focused improvement. However, obtaining a (business) visa in South Africa, is a drawn- out process. In the meantime, I want to start with master focused on industrial engineering or lean engineering and further fine tune the interface.

Wij willen Joshua graag bedanken voor zijn plezierige tijd bij ACE en wensen hem dan ook heel erg veel succes toe in zijn toekomst!
Klik hier om een samenvatting van zijn afstudeeropdracht te lezen.

Joshua Bruhn