Diverse innovatieve afstudeeropdrachten
Graduation assignment
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Heavy mobile vehicles not only require energy for forward/driving movements but also transient and high-frequency peak power due to moving heavy objects, such as shipping containers. The availability of these machines during the run shifts is high priority for the companies. To fulfil this requirement, the downtime of the machine should be minimized. For reducing the downtime of the machine, a maintenance prediction model for the battery of an electric driveline needs to be investigated. This is a first step towards the battery prediction model. In this project, we start with developing a battery cell model for various temperature and C-rates. Static capacity and dynamic capacity tests are currently performed on the battery cell. The data from these tests can be made available to develop a cell model.
The HAN Automotive Research Center always conducts research in collaboration with leading companies and research institutes. And with input from our researchers, lecturers and students. The center is a leading local and international partner for automotive research. Our Model Based Design of systems and vehicle structures focuses on green and intelligent mobility. We own or develop technologies using prototyping, modeling, testing, monitoring and business management. Regarding this project there is a connection with ACE mobility, they are responsible for the work package management.
ACE mobility is the collaborative network between automotive education programs in the Netherlands and the automotive sector. ACE's goal is to keep the automotive sector strong, agile, and future-proof. At ACE, the daily professional practice, education, and automotive research converge. ACE serves as the central hub for automotive education, training, and research at the higher professional education level. ACE has an office at the Automotive Campus in Helmond.
EFRO Project Zero Emission Heavy Duty Mobile Equipment
Aishwarya Aswal <Aishwarya.Aswal@han.nl
Stefan Kraaijvanger <s.kraaijvanger@acemobility.nl
Vermeld bij je sollicitatie voor stage of afstuderen altijd: 'ACE Mobility stage/afstuderen 2023'! Het Automotive Center of Expertise is een samenwerkingsverband tussen de automotive opleidingen (HAN en Fontys) en de automotive industrie. Partnerbedrijven van ACE Mobility zijn geselecteerde bedrijven die een nauwe band hebben met het onderwijs. Deze ACE Partners staan bekend om hun hoogwaardige stage- en/of afstudeeropdrachten, uitstekende begeleiding/coaching en innovatieve onderwerpen.